On February 22, 2017 Turkish Canadian Society Board Members Suat Demirer, Sinem Senol, Zafer Koprulu, and Mustafa Kamil Demir met with City of Edmonton planning officer Samantha Buccino and several other City of Edmonton officials at a Development Permit Pre-Application Meeting to discuss our planned Mosque Project.
Although the City officials were generally supportive of the idea of building a mosque at our existing site, there were several issues raised during the meeting. We were told that we would need to purchase significant amount of land from EPSB to get the project approved as designed.
TCS Board and our volunteer designer goes back to the drawing board, to re-think and re-design the project. We will especially have to put our Phase II - Cultural Centre plans on hold, as the parking and landscaping requirements will be impossible to meet.
TURCanora is a project update website from the Turkish Canadians who currently own a surplus school building in the CANORA neighbourhood in West Edmonton... TURK+CANORA=> Hence, the website address: www.turcanora.ca. Through this site we hope to tell you about our dream project, give you regular updates, and ask for your help. For information and updates about Turkish Canadian Society, the non-profit organization behind TURCanora, please visit www.turkishcanadiansociety.ca