Turkish Canadian Society has reached its biggest milestone and got permission from the City of Edmonton to lay the foundation for the Edmonton Blue Mosque on August 30, 2019.
On a day Turkish Canadians celebrate “Zafer Bayramı” (i.e Victory Day), the permit issued by the City of Edmonton, was welcomed by the TCS Board of Directors as a small “victory” after almost 3 years of planning and design work by numerous volunteers.
The permit was the hard part, but another challenge awaits us next. So far all the costs incurred for the project for permit applications and any engineering etc. work we couldn’t find volunteers for ha e been paid for by the Turkish Canadian Society. However, the financial resources of the Society are nowhere near the level required to successfully complete this mosque. We need the help of all muslims around the world to make this project come true. Visit the “How can I help” page to find out how you can donate to our Mosque.
TURCanora is a project update website from the Turkish Canadians who currently own a surplus school building in the CANORA neighbourhood in West Edmonton... TURK+CANORA=> Hence, the website address: www.turcanora.ca. Through this site we hope to tell you about our dream project, give you regular updates, and ask for your help. For information and updates about Turkish Canadian Society, the non-profit organization behind TURCanora, please visit www.turkishcanadiansociety.ca