One of the conditions of the Development Permit we received from the City of Edmonton was to sign an Easement Agreement with the Edmonton Public School Board so that TCS can use 75 squaremetres of EPSB property in perpetuity to access the parking lot of our proposed Mosque Project.
Our Treasurer and External Relations Coordinator Sim Senol has been leading these negotiations for TCS. Thanks to CoE lawyers who helped us draft the agreement we are getting close to an agreement.
TCS Board has agreed to hire a lawyer recently to deal with a variety of legal matters. We will have our lawyer review the agreement before it's signed by TCS Executives.
TURCanora is a project update website from the Turkish Canadians who currently own a surplus school building in the CANORA neighbourhood in West Edmonton... TURK+CANORA=> Hence, the website address: Through this site we hope to tell you about our dream project, give you regular updates, and ask for your help. For information and updates about Turkish Canadian Society, the non-profit organization behind TURCanora, please visit