The plans and documentation for our development permit application are ready, so we are taking them on a tour!Turkish Canadian Society Board Members were busy making presentations about our TurCanora Phase I - Mosque Project this week as a part of our community engagement plan.
On Tuesday, February 27th we first presented the finalized conceptual designs and site plan to the Turkish Canadian community.
On February 28th, several community members that live in close proximity to our Cultural Centre joined us for a project presentation at the TCS Gym. Our Treasurer and External Relations Coordinator Sim Senol gave a brief presentation about the Society's plans and the projected timeline of the project.
A similar presentation was made after the Friday Prayer service by Project Consultant Suat Demirer.
Overall the community has been very supportive of the project. No objections were raised. Through these presentations we have informed the community members that we'd be using the website for project updates and for collecting feedback.
TURCanora is a project update website from the Turkish Canadians who currently own a surplus school building in the CANORA neighbourhood in West Edmonton... TURK+CANORA=> Hence, the website address: Through this site we hope to tell you about our dream project, give you regular updates, and ask for your help. For information and updates about Turkish Canadian Society, the non-profit organization behind TURCanora, please visit